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    Local Lawyer for Wills & Trusts

    Wills are one of the essential components of estate planning. Getting this document drawn up is one of the most important things you can do to protect yourself and your family. At Boroja, Bernier & Associates PLLC, our estate planning attorneys serve residents of Macomb County, Metro Detroit, and Southeast Michigan, preparing last wills and testaments, living wills, and other documents so you feel at ease about how decisions will be made on your behalf.

    Wills - An Essential Component needed of your estate planning

    Last Will and Testament

    Crafting your last will and testament is the way to prepare for the future. This customized legal document plays a vital role in conveying your wishes after you die. No one wants to truly face the inevitability of death, but identifying how you want assets to be distributed later is a significant way to take good care of your family.

    • A will allows you to make decisions about how your assets will be managed and distributed following your death.
    • A will can be simple or complex but having a will of any kind is the most important thing.
    • Having a will does not bypass probate courts but its existence makes getting through probate much easier and less costly.
    • If you die without a will, your property and assets can be distributed by the probate court according to Michigan state intestacy laws – and sometimes these laws are different than what you would have wanted.

    What’s In a Will?

    Working with an estate planning attorney, you create instructions in your will that stipulate how you want your major assets to be handled after your death. As you and your estate planning attorney draw up your will, you must make decisions about the following:

    • Naming guardians for your minor children
    • Appointing a trustee for your assets
    • Identifying an age when your children can own your assets
    • Naming your heirs
    • Naming an executor of the will
    • Making specific bequests

    Living Will

    FA living will expresses a person’s wishes when it comes to end-of-life care. These written instructions are legally documented and apply once a doctor has determined that a person is terminally ill or in a permanent vegetative state.

    A living will is part of advanced directives which are a set of documents executed by you that:

    • Allow a loved one to make medical decisions for you if you cannot do so yourself
    • Include a do not resuscitate (DNR) order
    • Include a medical power of attorney or patient advocate
    • Identify your stance on organ donation

    Some clients choose to execute a financial durable power of attorney with their advanced directives as well. No matter what you decide, your estate planning attorney is always ready to help ensure that your last wishes are honored.

    Complete Estate Planning Documents

    It’s commonplace to have a durable power of attorney prepared at the same time you have a will prepared and an advance medical directive. All these documents are intended to manage a situation where you are unable to speak for yourself.

    It takes time to prepare estate planning documents and gather all the information you need for your will. This process can be daunting, but it is worth your while to take the time to complete this important task and avoid expensive and painful problems for your family later.

    Get Your Will in Michigan

    Contact Boroja, Bernier & Associates PLLC in Shelby Township to work with an experienced estate planning attorney. Minimize unnecessary stress and confusion for your loved ones by making your wishes known legally on paper. Schedule a consultation to begin the estate planning process and find out what documents you need most.