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Prenuptial Agreement

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    The Most Important Decision Before The Big Day

    prenuptial agreement - Michigan attorneys BBA Law

    It may seem counterintuitive but a prenuptial agreement is not made out of a lack of trust. Quite the contrary, this decision is made when two people have a deep and committed trust in one another. People do not get married intending to get divorced. But divorce can and does happen. There is actually no better time to discuss what will happen should you divorce than when everyone is in a calm state of mind and thinking clearly. This is the benefit of a prenuptial agreement: Both parties have already worked out the details of what is fair and who gets what should they no longer wish to be married.

    Are Prenuptials Still Only For The Wealthy?

    Another myth about prenuptial agreements is that they are only for the wealthy. These days people who prepare for both the best and the worst case outcomes are those who succeed. Prenups are not only for the wealthy, but for any couple who is getting married. A contract is not that unusual. In fact, we establish contracts and agreements all of the time, from having a simple repair project done, to catering an event to leasing a car. It makes sense that we would also set forth the terms of a lifetime arrangement and what should happen should that arrangement last less than a lifetime.

    A prenup is a contract drawn up by an attorney that sets forth what will happen in the event of a divorce. Both parties are upfront and honest about what they have, and then agree to what will happen to those items and that property. Once both parties agree to and are satisfied with all of the terms it becomes a valid contract. It is, in many ways, a safeguard against later disagreements and problems.

    What A Prenup Offers

    • Prenups are flexible; both parties are able to create any clause that may be relevant to their relationship or situation, such as infidelity or specific payments.
    • A prenup is a tool that can shield both parties from what could be a brutal divorce. With the terms clearly set forth and defined, both parties can walk away easier.
    • A prenup is also a planning tool that can make your life easier, a safety net of sorts. In fact, in our years of practice we have seen how a prenup can work as a deterrent to divorce.

    The lawyers at BBA Law, have extensive prenup experience in the state of Michigan. Call BBA Law, to find out how a prenup can help ensure a successful union or to set up a time for a draft and review. Contact us online, or in metro Detroit and Macomb County call 586-991-7611.